Postnatal support

The postnatal support provided by our confinement doulas is based on the Chinese tradition of “sitting the month” or Zuò yuè (坐月子). For the first 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth a mother is in need of physical and mental recovery. Our postnatal doulas provide a mother with any support required. The work schedule and duties of the postpartum doula can be discussed and outlined in the employment contract. 

Some of the duties can include:

  • Cooking every meal for the mother, using specific ingredients to help with the mother’s recovery as well as increase breastmilk production

  • Helping the mum with washing herself and postnatal massages

  • Lactation consultation and breastfeeding support

  • Washing the baby, changing nappies, tidying up

  • Sleeping with the baby and looking after night feedings

Postnatal doulas often live-in and remain at your service for 24 hours a day although this can be different depending on your requirements.