
Lotus Kids is a community of passionate postnatal doulas as well as Mandarin or Cantonese speaking baby- and childcare providers. Our mission is to nurture our community by providing a wide range of training opportunities.

Training options for nannies not only include the required Enhanced DBS Check and Paediatric First Aid Course, but also courses in Child Psychology, Counselling Children, Support for Children with Special Needs, Positive Behaviour Support and Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, Safeguarding, Food Hygiene and Nutrition, amongst others. 

At Lotus Kids we are very proud about our partnerships with postnatal specialists who provide courses on Postnatal Confinement Training, Baby Massage, Postpartum Breast and Belly Massage, Paediatric Tui-na, amongst others. 

Please get in touch with us on and let us know what type of course you are interested in.